Cancer Support Group attendee thankful for support

The Trust’s cancer support group, run by former Spireite Tony Lormor, has built a successful reputation as a welcoming, friendly, supportive and safe environment since starting 11 months ago.

With free coffee, tea and cakes, the support group has built up a core unit of attendees, each with their own story and situation.

Jill, one of the regulars at the meetings, spoke about her situation and told us what the group has done for her. She said: “Unfortunately, I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, which is an incurable cancer.

“It’s treatable but not curable. I’ve had two years of chemotherapy and lots of other sorts of things.

“When joining the group, I truly felt so alone when I was diagnosed. I felt as if no one would ever understand my illness and what I was going through.

“I came along and I felt so at ease straight away. Tony and the people involved just understood how I felt. This group has truly helped me get through some traumatic times.

“I honestly can’t thank Tony and my peers enough. They have helped me so much.”

Jill was also keen to express how important the group has been for her whilst also stressing the importance of support groups for anyone else affected by cancer.

“These groups are so important, there is so much to learn that is provided that helps us understand more,” she said.

“I can’t express enough how much this group has helped me through and I know it has helped lots of my fellow peers too. It’s been truly amazing.

“When we’re here, we forget what is going on in our lives. We’re not singled out; we just feel like one big family.

”The support and the group is amazing, it really is vital for anyone who is suffering. Please don’t be afraid to come.”

Jill is extremely thankful to everyone who has been involved in the project, saying: “I can’t tell you how thankful we are.

“My goodness, I could never put into words how thankful I am to anyone involved with this group.

“I am specifically thankful to Tony and the Trust for all their work and support.”

Finally, Jill finished by providing a message to anyone suffering with cancer or anyone directly affected by the disease.

She said: “Please come along, I know what it’s like at first. It seems scary and you might be afraid but please just take that step and come to your first one.

“They are so good; they really do support you and make you feel so much better.

“Make that effort and step outside your comfort zone, I promise you it will make you feel so much better and you really will feel like you’re stepping into a safe and supportive environment.

“Please, just come. We’re here to support you alongside the Trust and Tony.”

For more information on the support group, please email:

The next session is on Friday, October 14 in the HUB at the Technique Stadium (10am-12pm). There is no need to book and the support group is free of charge – just turn up!

The following sessions after October 14 are:

  • November 18
  • December 16

More dates will be added in due course.