The Chesterfield FC Community Trust and the Memorial Garden Trustees are committed to offering a free service to those associated with the football club and their families. There is no charge for the strewing of ashes in the Garden. Trust staff or volunteers will prepare the Garden and liaise with families. Although this is a free service, families are encouraged to buy a plaque to remember their loved ones or to make a donation to help with the upkeep of the Garden and the work of the Trust.
Ashes are placed into an individual hole near the focal dais in the Garden or at another practical point. The ashes are strewn into the hole from an urn or scattering tube. No spot will be reserved and over several years all parts of the strewing area may be reused. The Trust will retain a Book of Remembrance detailing all whose ashes have been placed in the Garden. The only permanent memorials will be the plaques placed on the walls.
The Trust will ensure that the Garden is clear and assessable for any ceremony with no ceremonies being arranged at the same time. However the Garden is a public space so others may be present.
The nature of any ceremony or service is at the discretion of the family. The football club Chaplin may be available if required or the Trust can work with families to find an appropriate religious minister or humanist celebrant if needed. Any fees from external professionals will usually be met by the family.
Should any refreshments be required after a ceremony or a dedicated private space be needed then the Trust will work with the family to accommodate this. Larger functions can be arranged in The Hub or the lounges of the football club.
To arrange for ashes to be placed in the Garden call 01246 925115 or email us.