Olly Parkinson Lands’ End to John O’Groats Challenge update

The Trust’s Olly Parkinson is now two months into his mission to cover the distance of Lands’ End to John O’Groats in aid of the Trust’s wellbeing department and Cancer Research UK.

Olly had initially planned to complete the distance in four months but has had to overcome a chest infection which has set him back.

He said: “Unfortunately I was ill for a good three weeks, so the challenge had to stop.

“I’m back on it now and doing it most days so I’m hoping to really push on with it.

“Initially I tried to go through the illness, but it got to a point where I couldn’t do it anymore.

“I didn’t enjoy not doing it, I felt like I’d let people down. I’m back to it now and back to full fitness.”

On the difference the money raised through the challenge could make, Olly said: “Obviously cancer has touched a lot of people’s lives, not just myself.

“The money going to the Trust will make a massive difference. It will be split between the wellbeing groups that we run and Cancer Research UK.

“Hopefully, if we raise enough, we’ll be able to take a couple of the groups on trips, so it will make a big difference.”

With 300 miles completed, Olly has 900 to go and he spoke about how the support so far has helped him.

He added: “The support that I’ve got from everybody has been amazing, especially some of the people that have helped me complete some of the miles; that has been a real help.

“Continuous support from family, friends, and colleagues – it’s been really good. If you want to sponsor, you can contact me via oliverparkinson@spireitestrust.org.uk or visit the website: https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/ollys-challenge.