Thr1ve, the young people’s social prescribing service, was named The Most Effective Contribution to Integrated Health & Care in the HSJ Partnership Awards 2023.
Some of those involved in running the programme attended the event at Evolution London on Thursday evening and they were delighted to land the award they had been nominated for.
The Trust has partnered with Derbyshire Voluntary Action. Derbyshire Community Health Service and North Hardwick & Bolsover PCN to deliver the programme, which offers mental health and support to children and young people by engaging them in community activities.
Jayne Bacon, the Trust’s chief operating officer, said: “Four partners have worked together to develop a service providing vital help and support to children and young people in our community.
“Team Thr1ve are absolutely delighted to be recognised in this way. It was a great achievement to be named as a finialist and to win the award is absolutely fantastic for everyone involved.”